Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Leader of the gate guards General Payon

Use the portal at the Kuznez outpost to get to Arianrod. Speak to Einberg there.

  • Experience: 4254 EP
  • 0 5 19


General Payon:

Player, I have good news for you: Einberg has noticed you and wants to speak to you immediately. He is a very busy man so you better not let him wait. He is in Arianrod, in Tibered. I still expect you to file your report! *salutes*


Yessir, Payon! *salutes*

General Payon:

The easiest way to get there is to use the Portal. Don't worry about the task too much, I'm certain that you will overcome it and in great style too! *pats you on the shoulder and laughs*


So you're Player? And you really took this long trip here just for me *eyeballs you* ?


Oh, you are here at last! *nods to you* My name is Einberg. I look after repairs here in Arianrod. I have heard of your successes in Yesode - very impressive! Let's see if you can be as useful here too.

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