Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Guard of the northern Watch House Jack

Find Anses the manager of the ammunition store who is hiding in Bros place. Ask him for help.

  • Experience: 5633 EP
  • 0 6 678



If you go deep into the forest of Bros Place you will find one of our staff. You need somebody who knows about explosives. Go to Anses, the manager of the ammunition store, and ask him for help.


I'm leaving now.


Some time has passed since the discovery of the piece of a letter, that's why we have to hurry up. Anses is a specialist in the matter of explosives so I'm sure he can help you.


Jack sent you? I think they have made all their arrangements and are waiting for instructions. But there is hope...


They need certain methods to transport the explosives. This method is often used with these kinds of explosives but they need to be stored separately.

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