Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Gate building supervisor Einberg

In the area surrounding the Forest of Defeat there are Undead Skeleton Soldiers and Lost Skeleton Soldiers. Eliminate 20 of each and their commander, and talk to Einberg in Arianrod afterwards.

  • Experience: 13565 EP
  • 0 16 217



Arianrod connects Derion and Valorian. That's why it's very important strategically and has to be very carefully defended. This means the gate repairs are extremely urgent! However, skeleton soldiers are blocking our path to the Northern Guardhouse. Eliminate them and their commander so that we can continue our work.


I'll take care of it immediately.


The Northern Guardhouse and the Tibered Fortress were built so that we could defend ourselves in the event of war. However, if there are monsters on the path there, our troops will have difficulty getting more supplies.


Have you eliminated all the Skeleton Soldiers yet?


Good work! Thanks to your help we can bank on getting support from the Northern Guardhouse.

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