In PvP you can fight alone or in groups against other players in the battle for dominance in Iberia.


In duels you can challenge other players in your kingdom to measure your abilities. To do so, right-click on the portrait of the desired opponent and select Duel.

As soon as the other player accepts the challenge, it takes a few seconds before the duel starts. Should a player move too far away from their opponent, they automatically lose the duel.

Your character does not earn any honour or achievement points; they also will not die if you lose.

Open PvP

In open PvP you can attack opposing players at any time, without needing to accept or initiate a duel challenge. If you beat somebody, you will receive honour and achievement points.

Area Conquests

Every day there is a PvP event in which it is possible for the kingdoms of Derion and Valorian to occupy strategically important areas.

Every guild that conquers an area earns points as a result. The points total at the end of a week decides whether these guilds may take part in a castle conquest or not.

Castle Conquests

Castle conquests are the weekly highlight of PvP battles. Each time, two guilds meet in the battle for one of four castles. Whoever wins by the end, gets to use the castle as a guild house during the following week.

Mission Maps

In these special separate areas you can earn more experience points than usual by defeating monsters.

Both kingdoms attempt to complete these quests that can be found in these areas. If your kingdom completes the area's mission first, all of your ally players will receive an additional bonus for earned experience points.

You can find more information on mission maps here.

Monthly Tournaments

Once a month there is a large tournament, where the best players can measure each others skill in combat and have the chance to win some powerful weapons.

In the capital of your kingdom you can see the times for registration by talking to the tournament administrator. Be aware however, that the tournament places are very limited.

If you follow the tournament from the stands as a spectator, a window appears at the bottom of the screen: from there you are able to bet on your favourites to win.

3v3 and 7v7 Arenas

In Tebekut (Gor) you will find two arenas for battles: three versus three and seven versus seven. Talk to the arena administrator in order to challenge a group.

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