Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Guard of the northern Watch House Jack

Give the box with the old trigger to Jack Anses, he is in Bros Place.
  • Loot 1× Box with the Old Trigger

  • Experience: 5633 EP
  • 0 6 678



You have decided! Take the box with the old trigger to Anses. He is usually highly critical of my behaviour but this time he is not going to object. I will leave this place for a short time and rediscover my second youth with Anses! Haha!


An outstanding decision


The trigger on its own is not dangerous but we have to transport it carefully. *gently gives Jack the box with the trigger*


So, Jack has sent you again. Have you brought something with you?


Oh, he has rediscovered his passion. The others can't call him old any more. Now it's my turn to demonstrate my talents!

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