Quest details
Level range: 27
Quest giver: Administrator of the munition camp Anses
Mix the liquid with the explosives underneath the trees. Go to Payon afterwards in the Kuznez Outpost and report it to him.
- Talk to Bernue Tree and return
- Talk to Jadein Tree and return
- Talk to Said Tree and return
- Experience: 6552 EP
- 0 7 783
- Choose an item:
- Magician, Priest
- Night Walker, Evocator
- Night Walker, Archer, Evocator
- Warrior, Archer
- Warrior
Anses:[Player]:Player, this liquid has to be mixed with the explosives by the trees. Can you take care of it? Go to General Payon afterwards and report that you have protected Derion from danger! I am interested to see how he will react.
Anses:But what is going to happen when I mix this liquid with the explosives?
Ah, just a little fireworks over Arianrod, no more. *smirks* That will strengthen our morale. I'm sure of it.
General Payon:
I've heard the legionnaires of Valorian are prowling about in Tibered. They're not going to advance to Yesode, are they?
General Payon:
The Valorians want to blow up the route between the northern watchtower and Arianrod? What scoundrels! What fortune it was that you were able to foil their plans. You handled it perfectly! *nods at you knowingly and pats you on the shoulder*