Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Gate building supervisor Einberg

Take the suspicious piece of a letter to Jack, the Chief Investigator, in the Northern guard house.
  • Loot 1× Suspicious Fragment of a Document

  • Experience: 4687 EP
  • 0 5 540



Hmmmh. *Berenu 2, Jadein 5, Seid 3...?* Names of trees and numbers. No idea! We have to take that to Jack in the Northern guardhouse. Hopefully it'll mean something to him.


I'll leave immediately.


It is indeed difficult to find wood in Tarat. I'm impressed that you have taken it upon yourself to come here. I will investigate the matter myself. Go and deliver the document.


The inhabitants of Derion also think they can just come in and out of here whenever they like! There's something fishy going on... *looks distrustful*


Einberg has sent you? Let's see.

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