Quest details
Level range: 29
Quest giver: History Research Mistress Alice
Find Runi, the director of the historians, to the south of Alice. If you walk towards Sepiro's Lakeside, you can't miss him.
Alice:[Player]:The director of the historians has discovered that the first living things at Sepiro's Lakeside were the gargoyles. You'll find Runi if you follow the path south from here. He recently moved there to conduct further research.
Alice:Aren't gargoyles the result of ancient magic?
Yes, and they are really dangerous. If you can’t control them, they turn on you. For that reason, Runi wants to research ancient magic in order to understand them better. That's why he is so well versed in the magic of Pauldron, the god of thunder. He hopes to find out more about the gargoyles by observing them. Could you help him with his research?
There is no doubt that these gargoyls were created by magic, there is no other explanation. But who could it have been and why?
You've ended up in a dangerous place. Our research group wants to find out lots about ancient magic, dig up old relics and study the behaviour of gargoyles here. We know what we are letting ourselves in for.