Quest details

Level range: 29

Quest giver: Director of the Historians Runi

Eliminate 20 Bronze-clawed Gargoyles, 20 Claw-winged Gargoyles and Enas and speak to Runi afterwards.

  • Experience: 13787 EP
  • 0 16 852



We have had a large number of losses through the long battle against the Rahu. But today Sepiro's Lakeside is just as glorious as it always was. Therefore our scholars have put a lot of hope into its future and want to do some research there. However the gargoyles are blocking their path there. Player, eliminate these monsters!


Of course, I'm happy to help.


Thank you! The research at Sepiro's Lakeside will probably be a great help when the old ruins and the history of ancient Iberia is researched.


Have you eliminated all the gargoyles?


Very good work! Thanks to you, Sepiro's Lakeside can be investigated. Oh, I completely forgot to ask you what brought you here. Sorry.

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