Quest details
Level range: 29
Quest giver: Director of the Historians Runi
Take Runi's document and go to Supreme Commander Nerhaim in Lezina.
Runi:[Player]:Have you seen an old man with a gigantic sword on patrol around here? I saw someone like that travelling to Lezina recently. He had this dignified aura about him, which drew my attention straight away.
Runi:Should I take a look in Lezina for you?
Yeah, perhaps you'll run into him there. I'm afraid I can't wait here much longer, though. I've completed my studies on gargoyles and I've got to get back to the historians' main building in Markut. I wish you every success with your search.
Unfortunately I have only just found out at this place that the soul piece on its own is not enough if you don't have the power to open the space-time portal. It seems that my own selfishness has made the whole situation much worse...
You look familiar! But from where...? Weren't you in Yesode, helping Jameson to get the Memphis Pieces and the Experiment Report?