Quest details

Level range: 29

Quest giver: Leader of the Magic Knights Drakan

Go and see the emporer, Ruard Lopesa, in the Bruna's kings palace in the capital of Markut.



To become a warrior of Derion the emporer has to knight you publicly. I have already informed the emporer. Now, go to the Bruna's kings palace as quickly as you can.




Becoming a knight of the guards means to have more power than before. Therefore the orders will also be more of a challenge. Bear this in mind and continue to give your all for Derion.

Ruard Lopesa:

I am Ruard, the first Emperor of the kingdom of Derion. I can see an unusual energy in your eyes. You look like you're trying to hide something.

Ruard Lopesa:

Anses has given us a detailed description of the explosives of Valorian on 23 pages.

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