Quest details

Level range: 29

Quest giver: Spy Thomas

Eliminate Crauw in the Mountains of Dawn and Shee in Sankta and report to the Commander of the Northern Guard House, Scatch.



Until recently they only used their subordinates for their attempts, now it's even harmless settlers. If this continues, it will not only soon affect Tibered but all of Iberia will be occupied by the undead. To crush this strategy, we have to eliminate the gang leader who is working for the Black Knight Alliance.


Yes, that's okay!


Crauw is hiding in the Mountains of Dawn and Shee in Sankta. Return to Scatch when you have finished your job. He is waiting for you.


I head it from Thomas. Have you eliminated the group leader? I wanted to watch their behaviour for a bit longer to find out what their connection to Emperor Ruard was, but I couldn't stand by and watch while more innocents were killed.


*Jack reads Magitus' letter and Anses' report*

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