Quest details
Level range: 29
Quest giver: History Research Mistress Alice
Go to Executioner's Hill and get the reflector from the rebel soldiers. Then take it back to Alice.
Alice:[Player]:The 'Night of the Black Moon' was a barbaric massacre! But here on Executioner's Hill the horror continued a day later. Countless rebel soldiers were hanged or beheaded. It was thirty years ago now. But now the dead have come back to life. To top it all, I've lost my reflector on Executioner's Hill. Can you look for it for me?
Alice:What happened?
Executioner's Hill was abandoned and so I thought there would be no harm in starting my research there. But then I was suddenly surrounded by the undead and had to flee! My reflector fell out of my bag in the process. Perhaps one of the zombies took it?
What happened? Did you bring the reflector with you?
Thank you so much! I hope the reflector is still working!