Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Guard of the northern Watch House Jack

Kill 20 Assistance Unit Fighters and 20 Militia Unit Fighters at the Barrack Ruin. Defeat Narikim, get the Box with the Old Triggers and take it to Jack in the Northern Guardhouse.

  • Experience: 13905 EP
  • 0 16 626



A lot of the things in the North remind me of Anses. That's why I can't forgive the fact that the Valorians are polluting this area! They're going to regret their actions as soon as I get my hands on them. According to Magitus' letter to Narikim, the dynamite is also in this area. Find it!


All right!


I am not hooked on adventures like Anses. That's why I'm looking for a sensible way of using the explosives. Just letting yourself be guided by instinct could make the war worse.


Did he show you that Valorian's warriors aren't to be underestimated? He wasn't taken by surprise, was he?


*laughs* They must have discovered it by now, as they have taken a scale from the sleeping dragon.

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