Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Administrator of the munition camp Anses

Take the letter from Magitus and Anses' report scroll to Jack, the Chief Investigator. He is north of Bros Place.
  • Loot 1× Anses' Report Scroll
  • Loot 1× Letter from Magitus

  • Experience: 5633 EP
  • 0 6 678



Take the letter from Magitus and my report to Jack in the Northern guardhouse. I will then give you a new job.


Anses, are you okay on your own?


Every one of us is suitable for something. I love to be on the spot. Jack prefers to follow the lab reports and then give his instructions. You like to carry out orders, don't you? No?


Player, you made it! Were you able to find anything out?


*Jack looks at the letter and the documents from Magitus and Anses* Ah, they are planning to block the way to Derion's armoury. Anses has written 23 pages, he has described their explosive devices in great detail.

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