Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Administrator of the munition camp Anses

Find the Tell-tale Sign at Magitus, the Chief of the Valorian warriors, who is in Bros Place and take it to Anses.



I have found out that this area is under the rule of Magitus. See whether you can find out something from him about it.


Could it be possible that they have the stuff on them?


If they only have a small amount of stuff they can still produce a lot of explosives. Because it is so important they are surely not going to carry it on them. The head of the operation is certainly in a different place.


And, did you get something useful from Magitus?


That must be Narikim's plan of action. They are still occupying the ruin. Remarkable chaps! Anyhow, luck is not on their side because we have seen through their game.

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