Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Guard of the northern Watch House Jack

Go to Bros Place, south of the Northern gatehouse and check the box which is under one of the Bernue, Jadein or Said trees. Tell Jack about it.

  • Experience: 8004 EP
  • 0 9 529



My father was a lumber jack and that's how I know about names of trees. These trees grow in Bros place. Go there and see whether you notice anything peculiar about the trees.


Have you looked under all the trees?


Bernue, Jadein, Said. It'll be enough to check these three trees. I'm asking you.


Have you found out anything useful? I'm sure that there's plan behind all this.


There is a box with an old trigger next to the tree? We have to get some more information from the camp of the enemy. Ready?

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