Quest details
Level range: 27
Quest giver: Gate building supervisor Einberg
Go to the Forest of Defeat in the north of the Arianrod Gate and kill 50 Valorian Fighters. Steal the Valorian general's property and give it to Einberg at the Arianrod Gate.
- Eliminate Valorian Fighter × 50
- Loot 1× White General's Property
- ( Draghel )
- Experience: 14797 EP
- 0 17 699
- Choose an item:
- Magician, Priest
- Night Walker, Evocator
- Night Walker, Archer, Evocator
- Warrior, Archer
- Warrior
Einberg:[Player]:We're getting the woods for the restoration from the Forest of Defeat in the north. However, at the moment legionnaires have infiltrated Derion and are complicating our work. Go and destroy the legionnaires and their leaders. And bring back evidence of their death!
Einberg:All right!
I wonder what they intend to do with the forest. There's nothing there for them! In any case, they're disturbing our work. Defeat part of their troop and their leader and we'll hopefully be able to retreat!
I hope you have made it clear what's in store for them if it carries on like this. And most importantly: Will it be possible to get wood again tomorrow?
That was great work! Wait a minute, what have you got there? A military order? Let me see.