Quest details

Level range: 27

Quest giver: Gate building supervisor Einberg

Eliminate 20 Alteru Attackers, 20 Alteru Fighters and Miyabi on the Worm Dragon Plain and speak to Einberg in Arianrod afterwards.

  • Experience: 13465 EP
  • 0 16 97



At the top of the slope towards the Tibered Fortress there's a plain: the Worm Dragon Plain. This is currently occupied by cat beasts and their leader. Could you eliminate them?


Of course!


The Worm Dragon Plain didn't occur naturally. At the time of the Second Battle, Valorian soldiers summoned a worm dragon which devastated the whole area. This plain was created by this dragon. However, no one can explain how the Valorian soldiers managed to control the worm dragon.


Have you eliminated all the Cat Beasts yet?


Good work! Now we don't have to worry about the support from the Tibered Fortress any more. Now we just need to repair the Arianrod Gate.

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