Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Leader of the Magic Knights Drakan

Use the portal to get to the Naresuan lake. You have to talk to Silverblid.

  • Experience: 4664 EP
  • 0 6 478



I am sorry. You haven't been back long in the main castle but I have to give you another job. It is a very difficult job and it needs to be done by a veteran knight... Return to Nezak immediately and meet up with Silverblid. He is stationed at the Naresuan lake.


Yes, I have understood


Emperor Ruad has created the Naresuan Lake because he appreciates the Tesra Research Centre and wanted to support it. But it is a big problem if complications arise at a place like a research center. Go to Silverblid and have a look at the situation. Help him solve this problem.


Player? I am Silverblid, leader of the Nezak-guards. Are you becoming a member of the white troop? *puts his hand out for you to shake*


"%", you must know why you have been called here. We have found out that you have acquired the first soul piece in the rose garden. We also know that the actual owner is Duke Rosenkrostia...

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