Quest details

Level range: 38

Quest giver: Tesra head of research Teyrobert

Take the Second Soul Piece that you received from Teyrobert to Silverblid at the Naresuan Lake.
  • Loot 1× Second Soul Fragment



This is the jewel that you were talking about. It looks beautiful, but it has dangerous powers. I don't know what you would need it for, but you look trustworthy, so here you are. *Teyrobert gives you the Second Soul Fragment*


Don't worry, Teyrobert.


The jewel cannot get back into the hands of Duke Rosenkrostia. I don't want anyone else to have to go through the torments that we have been through.


While you were doing your job the White Troop has made enquiries into Rosenkrostia. We have found something surprising. Years ago our alliance came by a soul piece. When we wanted to get it through the region of Hod the Black Knight Alliance managed to steal it. Their leader was Rosen... exactly, their current Prince Rosenkrostia.


It's clear that Rosenkrostia wants to use the stolen soul fragment from the White Troop to cause trouble in Nezak. Go back to the time before the White Troop stole the soul piece from Rosenkrostia.

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