Quest details

Level range: 38

Quest giver: Leader of the Nezak guards Silverblid

You have to find Jakad in Barhara and eliminate him! And then you have to go back to Silverblid, the leader of the Nezak-guards.

  • Experience: 14587 EP
  • 0 21 152



If Werko doesn't have the Second Soul Fragment, then Jakad from Barhara probably has it! If not... well, it doesn't bear thinking about! Please hurry!


OK! I will make my way there immediately.


When he was still human, he was an absolute monster. He was desperately greedy for more and more money! But ever since he became a werewolf, he has only been driven by his instinct. That prick has lost all his sense! So be very careful when you're near Jakad.


Excellent, you have come back! Have you been able to take the Second Soul Fragement off Jakad?


But that just can't be right! Jakad doesn't have the Second Soul Fragment? I heard that Rosenkrostia, the duke, hasn't found it yet either. What happened?

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