Quest details

Level range: 38

Quest giver: Tesra researcher Lars

Talk to Silverblid on Naresuan lake.

  • Experience: 4597 EP
  • 0 6 401



I don't know what job you are doing. But it would be most welcome if you had come to our aid. At the moment we are clinging to anything...


Ah, as a knight of Valorian...


The knights of Valorian? It is not possible that the Emperor Ruard or Duke Rosenkrostia have sent you when they have let the institute go to rack and ruin to such an extent. Tell the sender, whether Deity or Demon, that we need help.


It is regarding the Mobido and the Alsenik magic schools. Rosenkrostia seems to have caused both issues. Particularly the precious magic power of the gem stone makes me think.


The magic gemstone Lars talked about is definitely a soul piece. The problem is the person who has come into possession of the gemstone after the research institute was destroyed. Fortunately it is not the Duke.

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