Quest details

Level range: 38

Quest giver: Tesra head of research Teyrobert

Speak to Lars, the director of the research at the Naresuan lake.

  • Experience: 4597 EP
  • 0 6 401



I also can't help it! If we carry on with this experiments, not only are we putting Valorian in danger, but we're putting the whole of Iberia at risk. I'm exhausted. If you want to know more about it you should go ask Lars.


Director, what's going on over here?


I don't know if I can say this... But I'm having doubts about the position of the emperor. I'm questioning the fact that he is choosing the research on the living and the research on the dead and why he handed over the full responsibility to Rosenkrostia.


The mutated Tripit wolf men have spread in the north of Nezak... The cruelty of researching death can easily be seen on the basis of this matter, don't you think?


A few months ago Ruard, the emperor handed the authority of the Tesra research center over to Duke Rosenkrostia. That's when the research of the dead began. The Duke promoted the research with the power of the magic jewel.

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