Quest details

Level range: 53

Quest giver: Leader of the Dark Elf Patrol Patesia

Go to the dragon slayer Kasan on the hill of the dragon twilight and find out how to capture Brolins!

  • Experience: 29715 EP
  • 0 20 218



We have found out that the item is currently in the possession of the ruler of the hill of evening twilight, Brolins. The problem is to get it down from there. Only the dragon slayer Kasan has the answer. Unfortunately it is difficult to find Brolins. Kasan last saw him on the hill of dragon twilight. I think that Kasan himself has it in for Brolins


Then I'm going to the hill of the dragon twilight.


Time is going to end our agreement. Thank you that you have used all your energy to help us - even if it could be called a relationship of convenience. It was lucky to have met you. May everything else go well for you!


Ugh, that thing there, can you see it? The claws of these things touched it and it is now beginning to rot!


You want to meet Brolins? The best dragon slayer in the whole of Iberia has already failed. Now you want to meet him? What is going to happen then? Kasan is going to get upset about your words and at the same time will be reminded of the injury Brolins has inflicted on him.

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