Quest details
Tamertus:[Player]:Patesia must have given you this order. She knew I would refuse her help, that's why she sent you. That is very like my friend. *Tamertus glances at the place where Patesia lives* Well, this isn't the right place to talk about this. I'll accept your suggestion.
Tamertus:What's up?
Us Jullulians have lived in Tyconteroga for decades, living in peace with the dark elves. It may not have been recorded in history books, but during the first attack we fought against the Rahu together. They defeated us during their second assault and we lost Tyconteroga to them.
At this point we didn't give up but got ready to put up resistance against the dark elves west of Jullulia. Strangely enough differences between our tribes and the dark elves have arisen. It now seems to have got so bad that our long-standing relationship is in danger of collapsing...
That is one of the reasons why I have not asked Patesia for help. The situation is so critical that it could cause a dispute amongst the tribes. But we can't sit around doing nothing, that's why I have come here as a representative.