Quest details

Level range: 53

Quest giver: Leader of the Dark Elf Patrol Patesia

Talk to Tamertus here in the patrol encampment.

  • Experience: 12276 EP
  • 0 8 343



Tamertus, who has been a friend of our tribe for many years, seems to be in difficulties. I knew that a suspicious atmosphere can be felt in the vicinity of their settlement Jullulia. If Tamertus comes here himself to ask for help then the situation is more serious than expected. Go to Tamertus and ask for more details.


I am a stranger and you have been Patesia's friend for many years. I'm asking myself whether this is the right approach.


Because we are so close he doesn't dare ask me. No exaggeration, we are in great difficulties because our dark elves are probably perishing. Nobody has a better idea about this than Tamertus who has come here to ask anybody but me for help. That's why a stranger is better suited than an old friend. Do you know what I mean?


This mustn't take any more time. But only on the basis of this we can't inform Patesia *Tamertus who is usually quite bland has a worried look on his face*


You want to help us? Who are you that you want to this? *Tamertus gives you a penetrating look*

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