Quest details
Level range: 53
Quest giver: Deputy leader Tamertus
Give Patesia in the patrol encampment the letter from Tamertus.
- Loot 1× Letter from Tamertus
- Experience: 12276 EP
- 0 8 343
Tamertus:[Player]:Yes, I have made a decision. I will tell Patesia everything. I think that Riboska, the infamous archer and schemer of the dark elves, is involved in this matter. They had to think carefully how to proceed. But neither silence nor exposure seemed to be a useful solution. Take this letter to Patesia. She will make a well-considered decision.
Tamertus:Yes, I will hand over the letter.
My duty here is done. I will go back to the village of Jullulia so the allies and I can work out a defence strategy against the tribe of the Rahu. Once the matter with Riboska has been dealt with come to our village of Jullulia south east of here.
I can feel the power of the item he's looking for. Perhaps it's at the Crazy Earth, west of the village of Jullulia? *Patesia* concentrates and follows the power of the soul piece.
You are back! You have a letter from Tamertus? Show me! *Patesia opens the letter carefully and starts to read* Riboska? No doubt?