Quest details

Level range: 53

Quest giver: Leader of the Dark Elf Patrol Patesia

You have to eliminate 15 Dark Elf Assassins and 15 Dark Elf Witches in the Crazy Earth. Then report back to Patesia at the Patrol Encampment.



Before I told you about it, Tamertus was racking his brains over it. I think that there'll be unexpected battles between the dark elves and the centaurs. The dark elves hold our allies in high esteem. But we can't just ignore this incident. Quick, go to the Crazy Earth and get the dark elves who are being controlled by Riboska and the Rahu. Come back here afterwards!


But we've already found out the reason for the problem. Do we really have to do this?


Actually I didn't really want to do that. Riboska is a good friend but I can't desert our allies because of a friendship, can I? The centaurs are the only tribe that feel well-disposed towards us. They have suffered a huge amount of damage and have many invalids. If I don't stop Riboska and his followers I will lose the centaurs' trust. I don't think I have any other choice.


These swines who have done all this to my comrades... I will find them and they will suffer agonies!


It would have been difficult for me too. But you managed it. Many thanks. *Patesia bows his head*

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