Quest details

Level range: 53

Quest giver: Leader of the Dark Elf Patrol Patesia

Kill Gilgaros who is at Gilgaro's glade and tell Patesia in her camp about it!



Now it's your turn to grant my request. The name Gilgaro's glade came about during the first war with the Rahu and goes back to the leader of the dark elves, Gilgaros. He is our hero! Regrettably he has returned as an undead and has now become a servant of the Black Knight Alliance. You as a warrior of Derion can understand that, can't you? There is nothing worse for a warrior than to bring shame onto himself. Protect him from that.


Apart from our promise, will you grant my request?


For the sake of your kindness I will grant your request. If Gilgaros finds peace by your hand you will not regret it. Thank you. *Patesia bows to you as is customary for dark elves*


What? Tamertus has come from Jullulia? Why? *Patesia is filled with dark foreboding*


Thanks to you Gilgaros' soul has found peace. Thank you. But there is another problem. *Patsia frowns*

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