Quest details

Level range: 38

Quest giver: Tesra researcher Lars

Listen to Lars carefully.

  • Experience: 4597 EP
  • 0 6 401



This is more like a curse than a research project. The research subject was an enemy soldier who was relocated to Nezak. We came across him at an encampment.


Enemy soldiers as guinea pigs?


Yes, but this curse is already having an effect on the area of the institute. At first it was only one or two people who transformed, but then the number started to increase. Then the director knew that something was wrong. And suddenly the laboratory changed too and the whole area was full of wolf-like humans.


Ruad and Rosenkrostia have not said a word about the side effects. As a result the carnivorous plants which were cultivated in Renimoa's courtyard went towards the Tesra research center. This has intensified the situation. It seems the carnivorous plants now know the result of our efforts regarding life research.


The , that was supposed to save the dying country, was turned into when the carnivorous plants mutated.

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