Quest details

Level range: 38

Quest giver: Leader of the Nezak guards Silverblid

Speak to Teyrobert, the director of the research center, at the Naresuan lake.

  • Experience: 4597 EP
  • 0 6 401



An accident occurred in the Tesra research center some time ago. Teyrobert, the head of the laboratory, doesn't say anything about the cause of the incident. "Player", go to Teyrobert and find out what happened. Of course as a Valorian soldier.


I understand.


"Player" you cannot mention, under any circumstances ,that the white unit is connected with it. Lives could be put at risk. Until Duke Rosenkrostia reveals his identity, you can only move around as a soldier in this place. Don't forget that!


On the one hand we cannot continue our work in the research center in this way, on the other hand we can't just close the research center. *Teyrobert looks at the lake and sighs deeply*


Who are you? A soldier from the capital city? Did the message about the the institute's closure reach the emperor yet? Now what?

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