Quest details

Level range: 10

Quest giver: Training supervisor Marad

Improve Shondoleon's Crossbow and then talk to Marad in the Kuznez Outpost in Yesode.

  • 0 10 1



You're carrying Shondoleon's weapon? Then you must have been trained by him. What a coincidence! That means we know each other - and have done for a long time. I'd gladly let any student of Shondoleon's in on a little secret: improving your items! This allows you to upgrade the level of a weapon or equipment item. To do this, you need to open up the improvement window, and then drag the item you want to improve into it. Then you need an improvement scroll to combine with the item, and voila! Your item has been improved! Do you want to enhance Shondoleon's Crossbow?




The chance of an improvement succeeding depends on the improvement level. The higher the improvement level, the slimmer the chances of success. If an improvement attempt fails, the item vanishes, so you should always be very careful! But I'll take good care of your current weapon, so don't you worry about that yet.


Have you improved your weapon yet?


Well done! I expected nothing less from one of Shondoleon's students! Now you know how improvements work.

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