Quest details

Level range: 12

Quest giver: Assistant of the training camp supervisor Brendel

Go to the path in the east of the Mountain Valley of Courageousness and slay the Wab Bear. Loot the Suspicious Crystal and then report back to Brendel in the northern part of the Mountain Valley of Courageousness.



Now it's time to take care of the mutated bears. I've discovered that there's an especially large specimen amongst them - almost certainly the leader of this bear gang! We have got to stop the mutated bears from spreading out all over Yesode, Player. So hunt the bears in the east of the Mountain Valley of Courageousness and slay their leader!


Werewolves and mutated bears... do you have any idea where these monsters are coming from?


Something must have triggered the mutation among the bears. I just can't imagine something like that happening on it's own. *thinks* But what about the werewolves? It's not like they're just mutated wolves. Is it possible that someone changed people into werewolves? But who is able to do such a thing? No, that simply cannot be true. *shakes his head vigorously* You'd better just forget what I said, Player.


Have you slain the leader of the mutated bears? *looks at you excitedly*


You found this crystal in the bear leader's body? Perhaps it has something to do with the mutations. I've got a strange feeling about this. Something's not right with this crystal.

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