Quest details

Level range: 11

Quest giver: Assistant of the training camp supervisor Brendel

Eliminate 15 Pumas and 5 Giant-pawed Bears in the southern training camp in the Mountain Valley of Courageousness and take them to Brendel in the southern training camp.

  • Experience: 2548 EP
  • 0 2 189



Ever since the training camp hasn't been able to fulfil its function due to the storm, I haven't been able to set a foot away from here. I spend all my time keeping the pumas and bears from the northern training camp at bay. That's why this training camp is full of pumas and bears. Please eliminate some pumas and bears before they get out and cause even more trouble. If they have more space, they might not try so hard to get out.


Understood, Brendel!


While you are culling the pumas and bears, I'll check why these creatures fled from the northern training camp and came here. OK, let's get started!


There you are again. Have you got any evidence for your claims?


Good work, Player. But there seems to be a problem in the northern training camp.

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