Quest details
Level range: 10
Quest giver: Training supervisor Marad
Go to General Payon at the Kuznez Outpost and complete your registration.
Marad:[Player]:You passed all the tests at the training camp in Gor, so you won't have to do any more basic training here. Gor is known for its harsh training. I think you're ready for your first few missions already. Before that, though, you're going to have to go to General Payon and complete your registration.
Marad:I see. Where do I find General Payon?
You can normally find General Payon at the large guard-house at the other end of the camp. He's been pretty irritable since the recent storm. He's concerned about the refugees who've been coming to us at the outpost. So don't expect too warm a welcome.
General Payon:
Bloody storm! The war was bad enough already, and now we've got to deal with this as well. *grumbles*
General Payon:
I don't know your face. Are you new here?