Quest details

Level range: 13

Quest giver: Assistant of the training camp supervisor Brendel

Go to the Kuznez Outpost and take Brendel's chest to General Payon.

  • Experience: 2037 EP
  • 0 1 815



I've stashed the Mutated Bear Cub's Head, the Werewolf Leg, and the Suspicious Crystal in a chest. Perhaps I'll be able to use this evidence to convince General Payon that something fishy is going on here. I'm afraid that he won't do anything about it, but as he is my general and superior, I'm duty-bound to inform him.


I'll take the chest to the Kuznez Outpost right away.


Maybe you don't understand why I don't think much of General Payon. But the fact is that the man simply cannot be depended upon, believe me, Player. If he really doesn't do anything about this danger, we can always hope to use the evidence to convince someone else. So get going now. Good luck!

General Payon:

You again! What is it this time?

General Payon:

You saw werewolves and mutated bears in the Mountain Valley of Courageousness? And the proof is right here in this chest? *he makes no attempt to open the chest* You're trying to put one over on me, aren't you, recruit? Back to work, otherwise I'll really show you what I'm like!

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