Quest details
Level range: 11
Quest giver: Leader of the training camp Remings
Go to the Mountain Valley of Courageousness and hunt down eight Wild Pumas and eight Puma Cubs. Loot eight Tough Puma Hides and eight pieces of Puma Cub Meat from them. Then take your loot to Brendel in the northern part of the Mountain Valley of Courageousness.
Remings:[Player]:It's been a while since I've heard from my assistant Brendel, and I'm too busy to tend to him. We've been waiting for supplies from General Payon for ages and I've got a feeling that they won't be coming any time soon. We're going to have to take care of the essentials ourselves. Could you hunt some pumas and take their meat and hides to Brendel?
Remings:Of course, Remings. I can't understand why General Payon is making you wait so long. But with all the devastation and all the refugees, he probably doesn't know up from down, either.
If you ask me, General Payon is overwhelmed by the situation. I really don't know how we can expect to train enough magic knights to defeat Valorian in the war under these conditions. *makes an unhappy face*
First the war and now the storm. *mumbles to himself* I hope a supply delivery comes soon. I don't think I can hold out here much longer.
Remings sent you? And you've got puma hides and meat for me? I knew he hadn't forgotten about me! Thanks you so much!