Quest details
Level range: 10
Quest giver: Leader of the training camp Remings
Hunt down 15 Wild Pumas in the Mountain Valley of Courageousness and then report to Remings, director of the training camp.
Remings:[Player]:The recent storm destroyed the fence around the training camp. Now the pumas are overrunning the place and just keep getting wilder. It's a shame, but we're going to have to kill them.
Remings:Couldn't we just repair the training camp and then recapture the animals afterwards?
We don't have any time for that. The pumas are getting more aggressive by the hour and I'm getting worried that they'll attack one of the villagers. I'm afraid we've got no other choice but to kill them. Can I count on you?
Ah - there you are again. Did you have a successful puma hunt?
Great! It looks like you did learn a thing or two in Gor. The wild pumas were certainly no easy foes. *pats you on the back appreciatively* Now I don't have to worry about the people in the area anymore. Thanks for your help!