Quest details

Level range: 66

Quest giver: Dragon slayer Peorija

Hunt the dragons at the Dragon Ruins and collect ten Canine Teeth. Take these to the dragon slayer, Peorija, at Kaoriza Village.



Well, let's start making preparations. You'll require a few objects for the tasks that I'm giving you now. You can obtain the first ones in the south-east, at the Dragon Ruins. Hunt the living dragons and collect ten of their Canine Teeth.


Hmm, I haven't fought this creature before now, so I don't know what to say.


Hm, you barely show any signs of being self-confident. Shouldn't you at least appear a little bit challenged by the tests that I'm giving you? That's a little disappointing.


What do you think about taking on the dragon? I'm worried about their teeth.


That's so unexpected, you actually collected ten Canine Teeth from the dragons! I'll give you a lot of credit for that. It seems like I underestimated your abilities. *Peorija's pride prevents him from admitting that he admires your skills*

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