Quest details

Level range: 66

Quest giver: Knight of the White Troop Pouh

In the main castle Markut talk to Pruta, the mad professor, who is at the magic university in Markut.

  • Experience: 13071 EP
  • 0 13 73



Please listen to me carefully. You have proved that you are capable of joining the White Troop. Don't stay here any longer. Go to Markut's magic university in Markut and talk to Pruta. Tell him you want the magic book "The massacre in the night of the black moon" and he will tell you about the next steps.


The infamous Pruta? You mean Pruta, the mad professor?


Hmm, you seem to know Pruta already. He is one of the eldest leaders of our White Troop and only pretends to be mad so he doesn't attract the enemies' attention. For his safety we must not leave the impression that we have anything to do with him. You must keep a low profile. So I'm asking you just to tell him that you need the book "The massacre in the night of the black moon". Understood?


Hehe, hehe! Huh? Who are you? Do you have to discuss something with me, Pruta? *You cannot talk any sense into Pruta in the state that she is in.*


*When you are whispering into Pruta's ear, telling him about the massacre in the night of the black moon he behaves like a different person and takes you to a remote spot* I think we can continue our conversation here without being disturbed. Pleased to meet you. I am Pruta, one of the three eldest in the White Troop. We are meeting for the first time but I have heard about you and your achievements often. Perhaps that's why you don't seem like a stranger to me.

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