Quest details

Level range: 66

Quest giver: Dragon slayer Peorija

Use the bait Peorija gave you at Igbed's nest at the northern end of Drakenend. Kill Igbed, return to Kaoriza and report back to Peorija.



This is the time of great challenges! I admit that I was prejudiced against you initially. This task is much more dangerous than all the previous ones. Many dragon slayers from Kaoriza have already failed. Here, take this bait, made up of a Dragon's Canine Tooth and a Dragon Scale. If you put it out at the northern end of Drakenend near Igbed's nest, the beast is sure to appear. Your mission is to kill Igbed. If you're successful I'll give you the Hero's Proof.


I'll take on this challenge.


Well now. You probably won't be able to do this successfully, but if you do I'll apologise to you.


Hmm, since you look pretty intact, I take it that you didn't use the bait that I gave you. Am I right?


Incredible, you've killed Igbed? That's unbelievable. *When he finds out how you defeated Igbed, Peorija looks confused*

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