Quest details

Level range: 66

Quest giver: Dragon slayer Peorija

Hunt the dragons at the Dragon Ruins. After you have collected ten dragon scales, you have to return to the dragon slayer, Peorija. He is staying at Kaoriza Village.



You'll find the second object that you need to pass your test, in the south-east, at the Dragon Ruins. Hunt the Challenging Dragons and the Aggressive Dragons and bring back ten of their scales. You're not going to start questioning your abilities before the challenge has even started?


You don't need to worry.


I hope you keep your self-confidence. *Peorija lifts the corner of his mouth, as if to smile at you*


You're young and it's dangerous to underestimate a dragon. Especially with beginners, it usually ends up in a catastrophe. By the way did you obtain the dragon scale?


That's incredible! Not only did you capture the dragons, but you also removed their scales. Even an experienced dragon slayer would have problems obtaining the scales of a dragon. How could someone like you...?

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