Quest details

Level range: 66

Quest giver: Dragon slayer Peorija

Capture fire dragons in Drakenend and collect twelve fire flower bags. Then take them to Peorija. He is in the village of Kaoriza.

  • Experience: 19375 EP
  • 0 19 449



I am not a person who easily puts the weak at risk. If you want to take up the challenge you have to proof your powers. There is a road east of here where you will find a rock. Capture fire dragons there and collect twelve fire flower bags.


I will prove my talent.


Hmm, you are different in many respects from the others you have come to see me. You are here because you want to carry out my tasks to get the honourable title of dragon slayer but I don't know what you are holding against me. However... I like you.


So, you have come back. What did the dragon business turn out? *looks suspicious*


*When he sees the fire flower bags you have brought Perorija's face darkens a little* Now the challenge begins. Are you ready?

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