Quest details

Level range: 65

Quest giver: Dragon slayer Peorija

You have to listen to Peorija's speech until the end.

  • Experience: 11051 EP
  • 0 11 23



You can only take on a challenge if the most important thing comes out in yourself. Our dragon slayers have understood that. Accomplishing a great task is worthless if you don't understand that you can lose everything that is important. Because we have this attitude we can destroy the dragons with worthless objects and unimpressive military equipment. Now, let me ask you something: What are you prepared to pay for this challenge?


Peorija, it is not that your opinion is wrong. But up to now I have never thought about what is most important to me and used it to meet a challenge. Until now I have always fought to look after the most important thing in my life. And particularly for this challenge I want to do my best to do exactly that.


You have really disappointed me. You are making such excuses to play down the defeat of these weaklings.


Us two are very different to each other. When I think about it, I'm curious to know who's more useful in this case. What do you think, would you like to make a bet with me?


Ha! That's what I expected! I thought you would take on this job. I just wanted to make sure that my assumption was right. *Peodrija pretends to be well-disposed towards you, but seems to have a strangely contemptuous attitude*

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