Quest details

Level range: 60

Quest giver: Knight of the White Troop Pouh

Talk to Medelo in the Tekra camp.

  • Experience: 11030 EP
  • 0 10 979



Why has the White Troop set up their camp in this wasteland? Because the person who has evidence concerning the recovery of the soul fragment works here. His name is Medelo... he is obsessed with the Rahu that's why he chases them. I would be grateful if you were to work with us without making a negative impression on General Lennard.


Yes, will be careful.


Player, I think you know about the creatures of the wasteland who have Ruard in their grip. When General Leonard arrived here you could tell by looking at him that he didn't have a clue why the emperor had sent him to such a place. Though it probably wasn't Ruard but the creatures of the wasteland. Soon we will probably know more about them. Now go to Medelo. Passing the examination will depend on how quickly you will get the required information out of him.


So this letter from Gebra is from Aurelia? She has produced a cyclop with the help of an adventurer? That is fantastic! *Medelo is muttering quietly while he is looking at the document in his hands which is covered with strange phrases*


No, are you the person who has helped my beloved sister in Gebra or not? Look, you look just like picture she painted of you. *Medelo shoves a picture under your nose that doesn't look like you at all*

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