Quest details

Level range: 60

Quest giver: Eccentric inventor Medelo

Capture Mouldy and Decaying Corpses at the Shrine of the Dead and collect fifteen units of Corpse Juice. Take them to Medelo at the Tekra Camp.

  • Experience: 23073 EP
  • 0 22 508



Did you know that there is a shrine of the dead, west of the Tekra camp? One could say that this place is the cemetery of Dragonrod... it's known throughout the land that the corpses buried there have recently been resurrected. Sure, even I only started becoming interested in these corpses since the incident. I've been thinking... if you examine their isolated corpse juice you could find out the reason for their resurrection. That's why you need to get me the Corpse Juice.


To be honest I don't really like this task...


You don't want to? Then forget it! But you do know that you won't get the information you want if you deny my request.


Ah, it's you. I thought you had given up and that's why you have come back. Have you brought back the things I asked you to?


Ugh! *cough* This smells a lot worse than I expected it to! Let's keep at a distance. *Medelo takes a step back due to the unpleasant smell and covers his nose*

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