Quest details

Level range: 60

Quest giver: Eccentric inventor Medelo

Go to twilight hill and hunt cyclops. After you have collected 15 bones of the cyclops you have take them to Medelo. He is in the Tekra camp.



Have you ever seen the cyclops who have taken the hill north of the Tekra camp? Some time ago I found out that these creatures use magic and therefore are spreading fear and terror. But still I am curious about their gigantic shape. They must have a different bone structure to us - think of their amazing strength and their huge shape. Please go to twilight hill and kill the cyclops. Bring 15 of their bones. Then I will lift this secret...


Collecting bones... how am I supposed to do that?


Isn't that something you should know yourself? Should I be standing next to you to give you precise instructions? Why Aurelia praises your talents... *Medelo critizes you no matter whether you are listening to him or not*


Somehow I don't feel right! Something is odd here... Aurelia did you really assume that this person is trustworthy? You won't be able to tell whether he's bringing the cyclops bones or whether he's adding bones of his own to it!


Oh! Are these the bones of the cyclops? Actually, you have surpassed my expectations. But your skill to separate the meat from the bones is admirable... Are you perhaps a hunter?

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