Quest details

Level range: 60

Quest giver: Leader of the Magic Knights Drakan

Speak to Pouh at the Tekra camp in Dragonrod.

  • Experience: 11402 EP
  • 0 11 335



"Player", the Tekra camp in Dragonrod is asking for help. I can understand that you're hesitating, because there's something kind of fishy about this place. A message from Pruta the professor of Markut's magic university has arrived. Could you go there again anyway?


If someone needs my support and I can get to that place, I have to go there, don't I?


I like this side of you, but somehow I have a strange hunch. Even Professor Pruta is weird... Whatever, pay particular attention this time.


That they have sent a general to investigate these backwaters... how did they find out about this place? This unknown existence could be terrible, worse than we can imagine. The whole business has to be handled with the utmost discretion... *Pouh glances at the general and then looks at the scenery*


You, "Player" are...? (Puoh speaks in a conspiring way.) It's nice to meet you, I'm a member of the white troop. My name is Pouh.

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