Quest details
Level range: 41
Quest giver: Professor for Spirit Theurgy Lelly
Speak to Ruos at the entrance to the barracks at the Large Spirit Path.
Lelly:[Player]:Something isn't right here. After all that we've tried, the magic of Elixia should have shown its effect by now, but instead the opposite has happened. The magic seems to have got weaker. Meet up with my brother Ruos at the entrance of the barracks and find out what state the magic is in.
Lelly:Ok, then I'll go back to the large Spirit Lake.
Because Elixia, in the barracks at the Large Spirit Path, is the place at which the magic of Elixia is tended to, the problem area can be quickly isolated. If there is a place where the magic effect is at its strongest, we need to systematically take care of it. If this continues we could soon lose the effect of the magic completely.
What's happening here? The adult souls are suddenly losing their magic power. The life trees are starting to shrink! *looks concerned*
Lelly also felt the danger. At the moment the chances of reinstating the effect of the magic aren't good. Problems have been occurring with the old souls recently too.
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